11 Jul Be Like Pinchas; The Covenant of Peace

Be Like Pinchas; The Covenant of Peace

Inspired by the teachings of HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh  and Rabbi Moshe Genuth.


Numbers 25:11–13   “Pinchas . . . turned My wrath away from the Children of Israel when he zealously avenged Me among them . . .
Therefore say: Behold, I give him My covenant of peace. And it shall be for him, and for his offspring after him, a covenant of eternal priesthood.”


It is indicated that Pinchas always the potential and ability to bring unity; peace, completeness, wholeness to a situation. According to the many commentaries,  it is a matter of opinion as to when Pinchas actually received ‘The Covenant of Peace’ Following are a few examples of Pinchas achievements as a Peace Maker.


Where there was no peace between the sons of Aaron, the brothers Nadavv and Avihu. Nadab and Abihu were “two halves of a body.” (Zohar 3:57b; Likutei Torah, parashat Vayikra, by the Arizal) Therefore, Pinchas took both their souls, and unified them so that they are considered as one.


Another occasion of Pinchas as a Peace Maker is when he brought about peace to the Nation of Israel at the Trans-Jordan.  The tribes that settled Trans-Jordan (Rueben, Gad and ½  Menashe) had built an altar on the border of Israel and Tran-Jordan  that was deemed by the Nation of Israel to transgress the Law that there should be only a single alter  in Eretz Yisroel. This dispute was dangerously escalating to a potential Civil War.


It was Pinchas who brought peace to all  Klol Yisroel by mediating an agreement that the altar was built by the Trans-Jordanians as a representation of  their commitment to stay connected to the main body of Judaism in Israel proper.


The most significant act of Pinchas ability of restoring  peace  was knowing he may have had to risk getting  death penalty by taking action to stop  the  plague of Baal Peor and the sexual immorality of Klol Yisroel when he killed  Zimri , a Jewish prince and Kozbi, the Medianite woman.


Moses had not yet known of a law regarding the actions of Pinchas.  Pinchas actions were however revealed to Pinchas prophetically  and indeed his actions were deemed meritorious. By the  most popular understanding it was Pinchas zeal and clarity that put an end to the plague and sexual immorality  and saved the downfall of Klol Yisroel merited Pinchas the Covenant of peace.
A Covenant of Peace, what does it mean?


We can see in Parshas Pinchas that the use of the word shalom is translated as peace.

In our time, and as it may apply to Pinchas, the word peace connotes the absence of war or the absence of chaos or disharmony. But there is more to the word shalom than peace.


The Hebrew word for peace, shalom (שׁלום) is derived from a root denoting wholeness or completeness indicating a state of rectification and purity. When we see the word shalom translated as peace is indeed an aspect of completion but it may not always be a sufficient translation of shalom.  This is something to keep in mind when see shalom translated as peace.


A Kabbalistic insight on Pinchas


According to Kabbalah, Pinchas ability for Peace is rooted in his  attribute -emanation-sefirot  of  Yesod-Foundation (found in the middle of the middle axis).  This gave him the potential to unify the powers of  Keter-Crown from above with Malchus-Kingship from below . ..The ability to bring about unification is the power of bringing about shalom – peace- completeness (rectification-tikun). See diagram below…














Pinchas embodies the traits of zeal, clarity and courage that we should emulate. We need to awaken the Pinchas in ourselves and all the Jewish community to bring shalom-completion and wholeness to the critical issues. There are critical situations affectu our personal lives and our Nation.


Tackling  large critical  National isssues depend on individual effort to  bring shalom-completeness. To be lIke Pinchas…

  • There is probaly no greater contributor to divisivness and baseless hatred than Loshen Hora (derogatory evil speech); Do not go with slander among your people. Do not stand by at your neighbor’s blood. Leviticus 19.16
  • To be a Light unto Nations; It is the obligation every Jew to live, learn and teach the principles of righteous living to the world. The world consciously or subconsciously looks to the Jewish people to know the righteous ways of living. If we fail to do so it can cause angst and resentment like a parent or teacher that hasn’t prepared the child or student properly for life. It may manifest as anti-Semitism.
  • To make Israel our Homeland; Although we may claim Israel politically and geographicaly as the Jewish Homeland, it iis not the ‘rectified Jewish Homeland’ that G-d and the Torah speak of until the Land and her People are spiritualy elevated , rectified and united as One. That requires us to fullfill the obligations of aqcuiring The Land as prescribed in the Torah and what is meant by ‘making a place for Him (G-d) to dwell’.. in our hearts, minds and integrated through action.
  • Our community leaders must become respected and able to lead without fear even in the face of resistance, controversy.influencers, commities or boards.
  • There is a need to cultivate Jewish minds and Jewish hearts. I believe there is too great an emphasis on academic wisdom and not enough attention to emotive wisdom. Our schools should prepare our youth with the tools to be able to succeed in all aspects of all society including derech eretz (the ways of the land). This will increase the individuals oportunities to better actualize his/her potential for tikun olam.


There are times in our lives when we need to Be Like Pinchas and we must act with zeal and clarity. This is possible with G-d as our partner.


Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling