03 Dec Chanukah; The Courtship of Lighting the Candles

Frailichen Chanukah

The Courtship of Lighting a Candle


Inspired by the teachings of Chassidut and Kabbalah of  HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbi Moshe Genuth.


When we light one candle from another we ought not touch the wicks together but allow the unlit wick the opportunity to gently ‘receive’ the flame from the lit candle (the shamos). It is when the flame is ‘received’ by the newly lit candle (i.e. accepted- transferred), and both flames are burning independently strong that they then unite and rise high, giving birth to one united strong flame.Then, the candle has been properly lit.


The shamos ‘gives’ light to the unlit candle, and the candle to be lit ‘receives’ it in an action referred to in Chassidut as ‘touching – yet not – touching’ . The key to the unity and power of one single unified flame is that the candles become ‘both and equally givers and receivers’… and they do so simultaneously. This ‘courtship of the candles’ is a metaphor for many interactions in life. Like a husband and wife who individually -and- together form one new nishama of unity (yichud), or like one Jew who helps to ignite the light within the heart of another Jew to help him burn bright and strong. The first step is we must bring someone close, receive them with loving kindness in order that the sparks within them may be ignited and they may receive the light.


Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling

For more insight on this and other Chanukah thoughts please see Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh at  www.inner.org
Lighting the Candles of Love; www.inner.org/audio/aid/E_021.htm inner.org -Chanukah