19 Oct Gilad Schalit Released…Now What?

Gilad Schalit- released (Oct 18-11)

After 1,941 days in Hamas captivity, Gilad Schalit is scheduled to return to Israel on Tuesday in a complicated prisoner swap that will see the release of 1,027 Palestinian terrorists from Israeli prisons.

It’s truly great news for Gilad and his family. BH

…sometimes you need to break a few eggs to make an omelette, although in Kabbalistic terms we talk about breaking the vessels. The exchange of Gilad for 1,027 prisoners may be no exception. We learn from the lessons of the  the  process of ‘rebuilding’ through Tshuva, that we can rebuild more rectified, more pure than before. There is a Chassidic teaching that ‘there is nothing more whole than a broken heart’... as once something is broken, it can be repaired better than new…even a heart (the seat of the soul).

There is an Halacha (Law) that teaches that the only way to acquire (or re-acquire) land to be Israeli Land, i.e. Holy Land,  is by having it given by G-d, or through knowing there is an eminent danger of attack, or an actual attack on the Land. The land then acquired (by appropriate ways of the halachas of war) is then the Holy Land of Israel, and may not be given away in negotiation unless by the Sanhedrin (the Holy Supreme Court according to Torah).

Perhaps the release of these dangerous prisoners will cause a sort of ‘breaking of vessels’… where Israel will be moved to take the necessary actions that further establish the land as a land where Jews, Mashiach and G-d may dwell. G-d willing no Jewish lives will be in danger.

I don’t know that the Israeli government see’s things this way, but the release of the ‘palestinian’ prisoners almost with certainty guarantees future attacks on Israel (and who knows who else).

I believe the blessing and cures of the release of prisoners is yet to be seen in the Israeli policy that follows in the actions of the ‘palestinians’.

The possession and occupying of the Land of Israel as a Torah Land is a key to the coming of Mashiach. The release of the prisoner could be a blessing ….or a curse.

It should all be for the good. Let us pray for blessings, and work to earn them.

Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax