17 Aug Kabbalistic Insight On Organ Donation

Journey of The Soul


What does the Torah say about organ donation?  


“A health will not appreciably suffer, is permitted and encouraged in Jewish law. Donation of an organ from a dead person is equally permitted for the same purpose: to save a life (pikuach nefesh).”


What is not common knowledge regarding Jewish organ donation …


The body is considered a mapping of universe with the 248 limbs (positive mitzvoth)  365 vessels (prohibitive mitzvoth) being ‘receivers and transmitters’ . The body is thus a conduit for the forces of the universe to manifest Hashems forces and will through the ‘vessel of man’.  The organs are conduits; receivers and generators of energies of the spiritual to the physical, separated into mind and heart, and the 10 spiritual emanations of Light, the sefirot.  Each organ is a conduit of each of the 10 building blocks of the universe.


When a person dies (niftar; without mitzvot obligation), the soul leaves the body, there are residue sparks of holiness trapped within the flesh of body and especially the organs. Through the time sensitive process of entropy (deterioration of the body ) from the animated ulife stage to death and the following spiritual journey, these ‘trapped sparks of holiness’  in the body are freed from the mundane and impure physical body to be as-one with the departed soul. The body turns to ‘dust’ . This process of decay is in fact a process of purification hat should be most respected as our lives as Jews are for this world and an eternal  world to come- Olam Haba. The process should not be cut short.


We don’t remove any organs except where the organ can regenerate or in the case of a kidney where a person may need only one, as the organs continue to be required beyond cessation of physical life for the continued process of  purification and Tikun…  the rectification of the body and soul. Those organs that we may donate   are ; blood, liver lobe, bone marrow, and a single kidney.   We refrain from signing donor cars for concern that the process of Tikun of leaving this world could be abused and  interrupted and compromise the eternal journey of our soul.


Lawrence (Leib Getzel) Lax
Addictions and Counseling
Lawrence Lax.com