23 Jun Korach; Yeridah-to Descend, Aliyah-to Ascend

Opposing Forces
Korach; Yerida (to descend)  – Aliyah (to ascend)
Inspired by the teachings of Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbi Moshe Genuth


Every descent is for the purpose of an ascent. Indeed, there is no ascent without a prior descent. This is true of souls, of nations and of each individual in his own life.  (Koheles)  


The soul descends from the highest realm into a vessel. Thus begins the cycle of Aliyah.  


The Talmud refers to going to Mitzrayim (Egypt) as ‘going down to Mitzrayim‘. Jacob and his family (70) went ‘down to Mitzrayim (Egypt) and thus began a great descent of the Jewish people there. With the leadership of Moses they became redeemed to  freedom from enslavement and became prepared (nullified) to receive the Torah at Sinai and make possible a great ascent to the Final Redemption.


For a Torah law (or any law for that matter) to be’ validated and reveal its effectiveness’, it must be put to a real life challenge… a test.  



The spies in Parshas Shlach (last week) had just returned with a biased unfavorable report of The Promised Land…  an act of mutiny. This affected the morale and doubt of the Nation and created the ‘perfect storm’ for Korach and his followers (250 men) to challenge the leadership of Moses and Aaron.


Korach’s motives appeared logical however they were corrupted by ego, jealousy and desire.


The question is posed as to why the Torah  would have this and so many other seemingly negative stories that make the Jewish people look bad? Perhaps the following will help us to understand why.  


The wood gatherer

Shortly after the receiving of the Torah at Sinai, there is the event of ‘the wood gatherer’ who collected wood on Shabbos. His actions contravened Torah Law and accordingly he was put to death, He committed this transgression knowing full well of the consequence and yet is considered a Torah martyr.. His conscious choice to gather wood on Shabbos  and transgress Torah Law thereby receiving the death penalty gave validation by ‘putting to the test the Torah and its laws’. A controversial self sacrifice.


The sin of the Golden Calf

The sin of the Golden Calf just 40 days after receiving of the Torah can be seen as the impetus to the need and newly available spiritual mechanism of Tshuvah . Where the Nation had fallen, they now had the mechanism of Tshuva and was able to elevate themselves by accessing the ‘open  gates’ of the heavens to a higher spiritual connection.



A third example of a paradoxical effect where a negative action becomes elevated to a more rectified  state Yerida (to descend, to fall)  – Aliyah (to ascend, to raise) is in parshas Korach and his challenge of Moses and Aaron’s leadership. Korach’s failed challenge of leadership led  to the action of  Hashem’s reinforcing of the leadership of Moshe and Aaron and the revealed miracle of Korach and his 250 followers  being swallowed by the earth.

Korach’s difference with Moses and Aaron was an ideological one, driven by the way in which he understood Israel’s relationship with G‑d and by the manner in which he felt the nation ought to be structured.(The Rebbe)

Korach  was a leading member of Kehatites, the most prestigious of the Levite families. The family of Kehat was assigned the duty of carrying the most sacred vessels, and specifically instructed to “carry it on their shoulders. They were responsible for transporting the Holy Ark, the Menorah, the table for showbreads, and the golden incense altar.


It is the inner sense and mission of Levi to spiritually and physically ‘uplift and move forward’ as was reflected in their duties. It was a reason that Korach believed it was his responsibility to acquire the role to assume leadership given the fallen state of affairs of Klol Yisroel following the sin of the spies.


Korach had a prophecy (not revealed to Moses) of the Red Heifer (next parshas Chukat) and the remedy it brought to cleans transgressions (BSHT). An impetus to his actions. Korachs reasoning had merit, however the way he went about challenging Moses and Aaron  causing a machlokas (divisiveness, controversy) was punishable by death and the miracle of all participants being swallowed up by the earth. His actions were hubrus and therefore impure.


Each and every day we are confronted numerous times where  our choices; thoughts and actions will either cause Aliyah-ascent or Yerida -descent.


It is a most serious avera-transgression to create a machlokes-controversy that causes damage. The tragic event of Korach and his men should serve as a lessons to conduct ourselves with a consciousness of Aliyah- ascent in  all our affairs with a conscious connection to G-d .


Pirkei Avot 5:17 Every dispute that is for the sake of Heaven, will in the end endure; But one that is not for the sake of Heaven, will not endure.
Which is the controversy that is for the sake of Heaven? Such was the controversy of Hillel and Shammai.
And which is the controversy that is not for the sake of Heaven? Such was the controversy of Korah and all his congregation.  


Maharal; Gehinnom is part and parcel of machlokes, and machlokes is part and parcel of Gehinnom.



Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling