06 Jul Parshas Balak- In The Moment pt1 / pt2 [Pinchas ]

Parshas Balak; In the Moment Pt. 1 (continued next week as Pt. 2 Parshas Pinchas)
Inspired by the teachings of Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbi Moshe Genuth  


In the Moment…
an infinite experience.    


In Parshas Balak, King Balak of Moab hires Balaam to curse the Jewish Nation as Balaam is known for having a unique prophetic ability.


As we know that G-d is Infinite and lacks nothing, we also know that he does not lack the ability to be angry. Balaam the ‘prophet’ had the unique (albeit limited) ability to know the one moment each day when G-d is angry and is hired by King Balak to capitalize on that moment to get G-d to curse the Jewish Nation .   



Prophecy is an ‘In the Moment’ experience .


A Moment…
A moment may be defined as an amount of time, usually brief, or as a period of time or point in history (as in a moment in history). But all definitions of ‘a moment’ are in agreement on the single mutual concept; a specific point in time of ‘a moment’ is indeterminable. It cannot be defined.


Time and creation-

When we look at Creation in the Torah in Parshas Bereishit we are able through Kabbalistic insight to begin to understand the concept of time.


The first word of the Torah is Bereishit, and the first letter of the Torah is ‘beit’ which has a gematria value of suggesting that from a single Infinite source  of ‘Oneness’ came a pluralistic world of the physical and spiritual. This is the point referred to as ‘the beginning’. The actual specific point of creation  is ex-nihilo (something from nothing) and thereforoe cannot be determined  as it comes from the realm of infinity (ein sof). Nothingness like Infinity cannot be quantified.


Before ‘Time’  was enclothed in Space as ‘time and space’ (a pluralistic representation of the letter Beit-2), Time remained undefined. Time exists in this world and beyond. It is a component of all creation. The Torah and Mitzvot are a conduit of G-ds Infinity and Time is a crucial component  of the effects of the actions  of the  ‘Run and Return’ of spiritual energies.  The greater our ability to put Torah and  Mitzvot into Action, the more we are able to connect to infinity and the Infinite through the mechanism of Run and Return (shov – ratzon). Time is the common thread of the finite and infinite.


A clue to the understanding of Time and ‘a Moment’ can be found in the first verse of the Torah; ‘In the beginning’. We must first understand that in the Torah and the Laws of Physics (yes they too are in the Torah); there are no absolutes. So where there exists for example a circle, the absolute center, the center of the center point can never be ‘absolutely’ defined. It can always be calibrated ‘more’ of the center point. Therefore, the center point of anything is ultimately infinite.  This gives rise to deep kabbalistic commentary of the verse; ‘don’t eat from the tree in the center (middle) of the garden’ , accordingly this insight, the middle or center point where the Tree of Knowledge and theTree of Life are, is thus on the point of the infinite.



Where the Torah says ‘In the Beginning’, the ‘Beginning’,  is a  vessel  of the creation of the ‘new’ pluralistic world that then allows it (‘the beginning’) to house a center point that is infinite thus the concept of  ‘IN’  refers to  the center  infinite point of ‘the beginning’ having the Infinite Point of  Something from Infiniteness or Nothing[ness]… CREATION. The sages thus say that the universe was created with infinity, and the infinite tool used to created the universe was TIME.


Mazel and Time
The Mazel – Constellations is the last point of the flow of energy as it enters our earthly realm ( Asya, this the world of action).  It is at this point the flow of energy is ‘deterministic’.  However, it is the ability of a Jewish neshama that can override the deterministic flow of the stars  and reach the highest realms.  This actually describes the mechanism of Tshuva. We can metaphysically go back in time to make change. (Time Symmetry Reversal, R A. Bernstein).


The acquiring of a greater experience of shalom-completion (peace, serenity… symmetry)  leads to a greater ability to use each moment to the greatest potential.When we accomplish the necessary powerful spiritual connection (not limited to a single moment), we can eventually become able to access the potential of  all moments as they become one eternal moment. We can do this through an elevating program of unifying our hearts and minds by Living, Learning and Teaching Torah, and for those in recovery, a program of wellness may also include The 12 Steps of Recovery and Torah. 


Tools of the Baal Shem Tov
The Baal Shem Tov  teaches the Chassidic philosophy of Chash Mal Mal  or  Submission, Separation and Sweetening. In brief it refers to; 1 Submission- nullification (bitul)/humility and quiet/silence to be able to receive. 2 Separating– ourselves from a previous less rectified reality to give birth to a new elevated state of being… a new reality. 3 Divinity-having done the necessary work of mind, heart and action, G-ds Divinity, His Sweetness will be bestowed upon you, to receive and elevate your efforts.


To appreciate and harness the power and potential of each moment, a program of clarity and rectification is essential.


There are ‘levels’ of prophecy. The ability to have prophecy is a lofty level of clarity of mind and heart. An ‘in the moment’ experience to be able to recognize and utilize the power of that  intimate connection to G-d s infinity.


Bilaams prophecy was limited to a specific moment whereas Moses, the greatest prophet of all time had constant prophecy all of  his moments.


May all your moment be used to the greatest potential as G-ds Will and…


May your efforts be blessed with His Sweetness.


Don’t waste a moment.


Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling (Hnrs)
