17 Apr Parshas Shemini; Reincarnation & Kashruth


Parshas Shemini talks about various aspects of kashruth.  The following article will reveal from the Arizal, deeper insights of the journey and rectification of the soul and its culmination as the Unified-Yichud soul of Klol Yisroel. We will see how even the act of eating is an integral part of the journey of an individual and a Nation.


Although kashruth is a ‘chook’; Devine Decrees that by  definition are concepts of infinite qualities which cannot be known, we still may understand from it valuable lessons.



The Holy Ari teaches the Kabbalistic insight that sparks of holiness in a Jew (his soul) that have not been rectified may return or descend in to 1 of 4 taxonomical Kingdoms;
1/A Man – Speaker ( as A/ Jew or B/Non Jew)
2/ Animal
3/  Horticultural
4/ Mineral


A soul may often transmigrate as a ‘fraction’  of a soul so that only that part of the soul needs to undergo a greater refinement will ‘migrate’. One such incarnation of a past souls’ descent as-a-yet unrectified spark,  may find its Tikun- Rectification concealed in a non Jew (in which case the migrant Jewish spark may become rectified through a kosher orthodox conversion) , or may be (amongst many possibilities) be concealed as a spark of a soul has come to rest in a cow that is chosen to be prepared kosher; sheckted, and cooked in an appropriately kosher way. As the food is blessed, the process of furthering the release of the concealed sparks of holiness.


The yet unrectified soul in its journey is a concealed spark holiness in that meat that then becomes part of that Jews soul  who consumed the meat , and on behalf of the one who was unable  rectify himself, the pieces of the the fallen sparks have now traveled to another Jew who through his Mitzvot will hopefully elevate himself and the acquired unrectified spark. He will have done a tikun for himself  and the inclusive unrectified spark of the soul he consumed, ultimately benefiting all of mankind and the Unity-Yichud (Oneness) of the Rectified Jewish Nation. The Ari comments that to elevate the general species of the lower animal world , we must eat meat a minimum of  once per week as part of tikun olam.


We can elevate the sparks of a Jewish soul where our fellow Jew of past was unable to.


By eating  kosher food  and by living,  learning and teaching Torah we can elevate ourselves… and  benefit others where they may not increase Hashems Light. Ultimately fulfilling the ultimate goal of the Jewish soul to be united as One  Soul as Unity -Yichud in the World to Come

Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling