14 Mar Pesach; To Remember Deeply

Inspired by the teachings of Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbi Moshe Genuth

Pakod yifkod in it’s various forms may translate as ‘G-d will surely remember’,
and may also be found as Pakod Pakad’ti, to Deeply Remember.


It is referred to as ‘the redemption code’ and appears at 4 critical places in the Torah in reference to the coming of the Mashiach. The inspirational message is that there are powerful sparks of holiness concealed in the past that when ‘deeply remembered’ (pakod pakad’ti) and redeemed are critical to bringing Mashiach and the Final Redemption.     


Whatever we may choose to remember to heighten our awareness of Pesach (or other experiences) we need to go beyond the superficial to truly open the depths of our heart to fully appreciate the potential of the emotive experience concealed within an event.   


That is what is meant to ‘remember deeply’. Sharing and journaling about our personal lives journeys  and the ‘challenges and oppression to freedom’ can help us deepen our awareness and connection to the story of the Haggadah, a universal journey of the soul.  

May you discussions at your seder be deep and meaningful.


Let the Haggadah be your guide.

Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling