28 Apr The Holocaust – sensitive and graphic material

The first photo is especially diabolical. It s a unique example as a most horrific photo of the Holocaust. The Nazi’s were so proud of their genocide that the photo is of a ‘model’ of torture and death that was displayed at the reception area of the concentration camp itself. This ‘model’ was the Nazi’s way to proudly shown their German handiwork to visitors to the camp.

These photo’s are amongst a number of German-taken photo records given to my Aunt Esther 97yrs K’aH and Uncle Ben A’h by the American soldiers upon being liberated from Auschwitz.

The Germans took pride in being the best record keepers of their own barbaric ways.

This and other graphic photos given to my Aunt and Uncle are now in the Archives of the Washington Holocaust Museum.
May all the Nishama’s of those who carry the pain be blessed.