02 Sep Tshuvah: First Chochma (Wisdom), Then Binah (Understanding)


Inspired by the teachings of HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbi Moshe Genuth      
The world seems to be having  an outbreak of amazing intellectual and artistic achievements in adults  and  children. Have you ever wondered where there seems to be so many incredibly smart people or artistically gifted people in the world today? Was it always this way?


Throughout history most of the world has being influenced by intellectual and academic achievement and prowess. We would say in Kabbalistic terms that this would be representative of  the influence or experience of Chochma – Wisdom (of the mind).  As we come closer to a Messianic time, the world is changing in leaps and bounds. One of those changes is the available kedusha (spiritual influence or experience of Binah-Understanding, the emotive or  feminine experience. This evolution of spiritual influence can also be learned from the insights of the ‘Covenant of the Piece’  which addresses four periods of Jewish history from Adam to Mashiach.

We want to acquire symmetry; balance and equilibrium.  

The ‘trick’ is to find the balance between the intellect and the emotive,
also referred to as the head and the heart.  


I believe that the (relatively more recent) infusion of the spiritual influence of Binah (emotive)  into what has been the primarily influenced world of Chochma (intellect -wisdom) is responsible for the amazing growth in the world in all areas whether it is arts or sciences.

The challenge now to all of us is to do the tshuva on our midos (character) and our averas (transgressions) in order  to bring about a tikun; a rectification of ourselves and the world. It is through doing the necessary work during this season of tshuva , asking Hashem for forgiveness through our atonement, that we may receive a favourable judgment and tikun (rectification). And may Mashiach come now!



Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling (Hnrs)