02 Oct World Imperfect; Maladies Et Al

With so much strife in the world… G-d Forbid did G-d lie to us?

G-d didn’t lie, He’s waiting for us to reveal  the truth.  That’s our job;

Inspired by the teachings of  HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbi Moshe Genuth

Looking at world events like hunger, illness and spiritual disconnect in  ‘a snapshot’, is problematic when compared to the Infinite concept of Time; G-d and His Torah.  The teaching of G-di, His Torah is the guideline or manual to restore the balance and symmetry that existed  in Gan Eden (and higher Gan Eden) before the chet (the original sin revealing  and causing all imbalances in the world).

As a method of rectification of  the 1st-s1ngle sin that ‘released ‘ impurity (evil) in the world was a ‘system of return…tshuvah’, that involved many things such as identifying and rectifying of ‘good and evil’ and ‘blessing and curse’.  The choices of rectifying this world include the ‘wake up calls of ‘blessing and curse’ (reward and punishment). It should be noted that difficulties that occur in a  persons life in today’s world may not be specific to any personal wrongdoing, but may be a ‘shared collective’ issue. This is actually part of the greater process of unification… the wake up call.

When there is a state of rectification… balance,, symmetry ,, equilibrium, we will have achieved a state of harmony where there is no illness and no hunger. This is the time of Moshiach .
We have the power and ability, with G-d as our partner to cure all the impurities in the world by  being a better conduit of G-ds Devine Goodness  in the World.

Lawrence (Leib Getzel) Lax
Addictions and Counseling