04 Nov Lech Lecha; The Soul – Descend to Ascend – Recovery Series

Lech Lecha- The Journey to find our true authentic self…
The journey to descend and ascend

Inspired by the teaching of Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbi Moshe Genuth  


In recovery from addiction it is said that when a person descent hits rock bottom , he can than begin the ascent of recovery.


When a soul is born in to creation it first exists in the highest emanation of the Crown-Keter.


Here, the soul experiences an amount of plurality as its Will experiences the will or desire of  the comfort  where it currently exists and the paradox of the journey beyond its ‘comfort zone’ which involves the descent from its lofty existence of comfort in order to experience a descent which will lead to  an ascent that will elevate the soul higher than its current state. We may liken the descent to ascent to that of a ‘slingshot’ as we can elevate higher than the original point of descent.


It is a fundamental concept in Torah and Life to ‘descend to ascend’. Two sides of the same coin with the single purpose to bring about a greater state of holiness (completion).  


A few examples;

  • When Adam a Chava fell, It is said that Adam ate the fruit in order to follow Chava into a descent  in order that he help them both to return back to Gan Eden.
  • It is said that Joseph experience  descent  by being thrown in to an ‘empty  pit’ (abyss)  and being imprisoned in Pharaohs dungeon.
  • We recognize  that the enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt was ultimately for the purpose of ascent.
  • Chassidut shares that a tzaddik (righteous one) falls 7 times.
  • We find the process of ‘descend to ascend’ to be an abundant principle in Torah and in our daily Lives.


For the soul to mature and reach its potential it must leave its place of comfort and interact with the world.  The soul animates the body and together  they  work to elevate the body and soul… to elevate the world, and to ascend from the descent of the physical world (malchus-kingship)

Upon Avraham’s birth, King Nimrod was told by his sorcerers of the potential problems with the baby  (Avraham) and it was order that he be killed. Avraham was hidden in a cave for the next 10 years. It was later that his own father ‘turned him in’ to the authorities for smashing the idols. This led to King Nimrods decree to kill Avraham by having him go through the furnace of fire … and surviving. One of the 10 of Avraham’s tests.


Avraham’s breaking of the idol is considered an ‘immature’ act  like that of a teenager. It is significant in marking a point of an ‘immature’ soul as Avram begins its journey to become elevated rectified … a descent to an ascent. This was the event that led to Avraham ‘outside of his comfort zone… his home in Ur Kasdim.  Our soul is meant to mature through our lives. It takes place through our journeys, our efforts, and a connection with a Higher Power, G-d.


From the time of its beginning, the desire of the soul to remain in a state of comfort or to desire to leave a place of comfort and engage ie descend into the mundane physical world as a mechanism to elevate oneself higher, defines the purpose of our mission in this world.


When we experience a descent into the darkness as if concealed from G-ds Light, we can achieve a new perspective and elevation by embracing His Light. The descent is then for the purpose ascent…. as they are one.


Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling